Friday, November 9, 2007

the woes of a heretic

I won't be posting on Saturday. Why, you might ask? Because I am not going to be near a computer. I am going on a Women's Church Retreat.

No. I'm not kidding.

I am a bit nervous. I will be the youngest person there by about 20 years, I don't have kids to talk about, and I tend to unnerve my fellow congregants. For example, I don't think "God's will" or "We simply can't understand His wisdom" are good responses to things like Katrina, Darfur, or my family's medical issues. So burn me at the stake.

Much of this heretical thinking comes from the fact that my friends aren't church people. In fact, a good number of them are atheists. And you would be amazed how far "God's will" does NOT go with somebody who questions God to begin with. When I share this in Sunday School, all I get are confused stares. Most of the good people at Peace have never known an atheist. Which I totally don't get. How can you NOT?

So, my blood-pressure is slowly creeping up. I agreed to this because 8 different people specifically asked me to come. Seriously? I am the last person you want in a get-to-know-you-share-your-faith environment.

I have already informed them that I will be bringing a portable radio and my cell phone. That way I can at least check the score between bouts of offending the holy hell out my Sisters in Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. My television has limited itself to Kirk Cameron's "sermons" and C-SPAN. My tv is a blasphemer.