Friday, November 30, 2007

Pish, Tosh

It is Friday night, and I am too poor to go out, so my husband and I have enjoyed some decadent cheese and red wine.

We caught the last end of a comedy special that actually made me laugh out lout many, many times. Look up a dude named Daniel Tosh, and I will tell you why...

1) He made fun of Kobe Bryant.

For those of you who don't know, I think Bryant is the symbol of evil. And Tosh hit it right on the head. He very clearly explained to Mr. Bryant that it isn't the money, the work-ethic, or the talent we hate him for - it is the rape thing.

2) He made fun of white privilege.

Any white dude who can laughingly talk about how much more money he makes than his black counterparts just because he is white deserves props. Sorta like Dave Chapelle.

3) You have to invite God into your heart or he doesn't come in - he's like a vampire.

Funny people are sexy. Work on this - you'll get laid way more often.

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