Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I hate that "Scrubs" is going to be short some episodes in it's last season. And it sucks that NY is losing money right now because stagehands are refusing to work.

But I completely support the current movements in entertainment to even the score.

So many folks I know are anti-union. Ask yourself why you work 7-8 hours a day instead of 12-18. Ask yourself why you have a weekend. Ask yourself why you are guaranteed some vacation time, a safe working environment, or a minimum amount you can be paid.

Thank the unions of yesteryear for all of that.

So many think that certain groups - teachers, nurses, etc., - shouldn't be allowed to strike. Bullshit. Those are exactly the people who SHOULD be able to strike because we realize just how invaluable they are. And if we won't pay to treat those people with respect then it is our own fault when they walk out on us. Forgive my pontificating, but I truly don't understand the anti-labor sentiment.

As for the writers and stagehands, I readily admit they are not necessary for our survival. But the show does not happen without them. So why shouldn't they get a slightly bigger piece of the pie? Oh, wait. I forget. In American capitalism it isn't those who produce goods who get paid - it is those who already own. Yeah, sure. That makes sense.

1 comment:

'Til Next Time said...

hmm... I dunno... what about doctors, lawyers, and upper 2%? Can they go on strike? Cause if the rich can't get richer, then the poor can't get richer either. Equal oppurtunity for all means the WASPS too.