Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Life affirming

As many of us know, I have been tutoring some evenings this summer. Which is a little weird because these kids are wicked smart and really don't need my help. But that's another thing.

On the nights that I tutor a chess club of sorts meets at Barnes & Noble. And last night they were in full force. They took up half the cafe area. Which is fine - and I think some of them thought I was checking them out - I wasn't; think sterotypical chess club! - because I was watching their games while my kids wrote or took a test or whatever. The awkward thing was that when I got there I just grabbed a table - sort of in the middle away from everybody. When the chess players got there they didn't have too much of a choice but to sit at all the tables around us. We were surrounded on all sides by chess players. And I felt bad because they are trying to concentrate while I am pontificating on things like past v. present tense and the whole purpose of a concluding sentence or introductory paragraph. Yes, it was that interesting. And I know they could over hear me, but what could I do?

At any rate, tutorials ended and I was gathering my stuff to throw it away and one of the chess players stops me. He says, "Excuse me, miss..." and I'm thinking - great. He's gonna ask me to move away from them next time. But whatever - I sigh and smile brightly at the old guy. "yes, sir?" (Because I'm a Southerner and manners are ALWAYS important.)

"You are going a great job with that boy." And I sort of splutter and blush. "I wish I had had a tutor like you when I was younger. Maybe I would have learned to do something other than just copy out of the encyclopedia. I was really impressed. You've done a fantastic job."

So I said thanks and spit something out real fast - blushing and stuttering the whole time - then walked out. My husband asks what that old guy was saying, and I told him and he laughed. "I keep hearing that my wife is an amazing teacher. It must be true."

Maybe I can teach pedagogy someday? I don't know. It's just nice to know you have one thing you do well, you know?

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