Thursday, July 10, 2008

Evil genuis...? Or just a huge prick?

Rove ignores committee's subpoena, refuses to testify -

Let's go with both.

The arrogance is overwhelming. He is claiming he has Presidential privileges so he does not have to answer to the legislature. There are many problems here. Let's discuss some of the most obvious:

1) The President is SUPPOSED to have to answer. Checks and balances are sort of a big deal. Being president does not put somebody above the law. The Executive branch is supposed to execute the law of the land - not hover above it and point and laugh at the rest of us poor schmucks.

2) K. Rove is not now, and never has been, the President. He was not voted into anything. He was a hired consultant. Period. How is Bush not bothered that Rove is claiming he has presidential privileges? Does he not get that Rove is just sort of flaunting that he has been in charge for years now?

I recognize the issue is more complicated than I have made it out to be. BUT - this is absurd. Rove is just a "regular guy" according to the law - he is not and elected official and therefore does not get the perks elected officials do. Or at least he shouldn't. And that being said, some of those perks elected officials are enjoying these days are...questionable at best.

Seriously - who the hell is this guy? More importantly, who does he THINK he is?

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