Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm so smart

Search for Alien Life Gains New Impetus -

Years ago, during one of those conversations you have when you are drunk because you think you are really smart, some friends and I were discussing the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. We were all onboard with the idea that it was probably out there - but I was the crazy one. I made the comment it was stupid to only look at planets "like earth" for signs of life. To which the response was "But people and animals can't live without water and air!"

What nonsense. The people and animals we are familiar with can't life without air and water. We evolved to this planet, not the other way around. Even if you want to go biblical, the earth was before life and animals and people had to adapt to it. Why wouldn't life the same anywhere else? Who wrote the rule that life must be carbon based? The neat thing about not knowing anything about space is that we don't know anything about space. By assuming that all life is like us we are really limiting our scope.

I believe in God. And I think he is a Creator. Part of being a creator is being creative. Ask any poet or artist - you cannot create without innovation. And I am not one to limit God to the limits of my own understanding. That's just asking for trouble.

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