Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I just saw the greatest quarter EVER. The Spurs not only turned the game around, but played some of the prettiest, most exciting ball in a long time.

Let me explain my love (I mean LOVE) for the Spurs.

They are everything a sports team should be. They give so much to their own community, and really seem intent on helping San Antonio be a first-rate city. Seriously, look what they are willing to do for local ads.

You never hear about a Spur in legal trouble. No drugs, so assault, no drunk driving - their biggest controversy is that they are associated with Eva Longoria who sometimes finds herself in a bad light, but not often. They are pretty much all decent dudes. Some people think they are boring, but really it comes down the the fact that they don't showboat and are more interested in playing good ball than getting in the news. And they aren't jerks. They focus on the fundamentals and are a completely unselfish team. Parker's gotten a little ball-hoggy, but the fact that other players consistently score in the 20's says that they are still willing to spread the love. Duncan actually turned down a raise of a few million dollars so the team could have more money to improve itself. How nice to know there are people in the world who realize at some point, "You know...I'm rich enough."

They are the best. As in they are the greatest team playing - so sayeth their multiple championships and their record. I tell people who call the Spurs boring the same thing every time: What is boring about being the best in the world? If you are more interested in glam and drama than watching a display of skills, there is always a beauty pageant going on somewhere.

Good guys, good players, the best coach in the league. And Pop studied Russian politics during the Cold War. How awesome is that? Maybe his team is so good because he threatens to waterboard their ass.

Just kidding. Last thing I need is a libel suit from Greg Popovich. Seriously, he's one of the best coaches ever, and he coaches a bunch of quality guys. Sadly, that is so refreshing that I have a crush on the whole team.

I promise soon I will return to politics and whatnot. What can I say? I was inspired.

1 comment:

'Til Next Time said...

I hate basketball, but I promise to be a Spurs fan from now on. As long as I don't have to watch.