Monday, January 7, 2008

Edwards will get to Scotland before me

Edwards went for the low road. What a disappointment.

When women politicians or other leaders take the scene the first thing the press does is describe their attire. We know when Clinton and Pelosi wear pink or when they opt for the more traditional black. You don't hear that kind of "news" when Bush or Kennedy speaks. Nobody ever comments that Bush wears Armani and he chose a lighter shade of gray than usual.

There is no denying that women in power are treated differently by the media. So why the big deal that Clinton got emotional? I am not saying it wouldn't be commented on by main stream press if Bush got choked up. I'm sure it would. But I do think it would probably be portrayed as a strength - showing his humanity. Sort of like the way people love to comment on how he hugs everybody. But Clinton is not being given the same charity - and there are those who believe that for some reason she should not be president.

Clinton is not my candidate of choice. But I respect her a great deal, and she is by far one of the smartest people running. Shouldn't that be a focus - not that after no sleep, crappy food, and a major loss she showed she was a little upset?

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