Monday, December 3, 2007

Real fear

Okay, so we all have our health issues. I mentioned one just the other day and I struggle with my weight. Most of the time these things make us furrow our brows and then we move on. We live in a day and age when sickness isn't really scary - we can fix SO much. But we all have those things that we are scared of. We worry about stuff that runs in the family or just the one thing that makes us paranoid.

So today I got news that a run-of-the-mill test came back abnormal. The test that every woman wants to avoid, but has to have because when those things go wrong, they can go really wrong. The doctor's office called me, and the moment the nurse said hello and gave her name I froze. I know they don't bother calling unless something is wrong. She explained that most likely it is nothing and things should clear up with some meds. But I have to be re-checked in four months.

Of all the health issues that a person can face, this is the variety that scares me the most. It really shook me. It was one of those moments when you instantaneously think of all the plans you have made and start to shake a little because some of them might never happen.

So that's cheerful. Have a great evening.


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.

'Til Next Time said...

you know I always want to talk... or more importantly listen.